미 트럼프대통령 코비드19감염[스프트닉통신] / 리인숙

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작성자 최고관리자
댓글 0건 조회 2,875회 작성일 20-10-03 14:33


트럼프 담당의사는 트럼프의 바이탈 사인 ( 혈압, 열, 맥박) ' 이 매우 우려되는 가운데,

대통령이 "아주 잘하고 있다" 고 밝혔다.
의사는 7-10일은 이 질병의 발생가능성을 판단하는 데 가장 중요한 시기라며 트럼프는 지난 3일 '기침, 약간의 코막힘, 피로'인 열병을 경험했는데, 이 모든 것이 지금 해결되고 호전되고 있다고 말했다.
그는 호흡하는 데 아무런 문제가 없다고 말했니다.
의사들은 트럼프 대통령이 48시간 전 '특수 항체치료'를 받았고, 5일치 렘데시비르 주사를치료를 계획한 가운데 지난 금요일 렘데시비르 첫주사를 맞았다고 밝혔다.
콘리는 트럼프가 언제 퇴원할지 예상 날짜를 기자들에게 알려주지 않았다.
또 대통령이 언제 감염됐을지, 누구에 의해 감염됐을지에 대해서는 언급을 피했다.
의사는 영부인은 입원할 필요와 치료를 받을 필요가 없다고 말했다.
CNN이 도널드 트럼프 대통령의 COVID 상태를 '심각한' 것으로 보도하며 주류 언론 코러스를 이끌고 있다.
대통령 의료진의 발언은 로이터통신과의 인터뷰에서 지난 24시간 동안 대통령의 활력징후 중 일부가 '매우 우려'였다고 말한 익명의 소식통이 이의를 제기했다.
이 소식통은 대통령이 아직 뚜렷한 회복의 길을 걷지 못하고 있음을 시사하며 앞으로 48시간이 그의 치료에 '중요할 것'이라고 말했다.
이와는 별도로 ABC뉴스는 트럼프 대통령이 월터 리드 병원에 입원하기 전인 금요일 백악관에서 산소를 공급받았다고 '대통령 측근'을 인용해 보도했다.
트럼프 대통령은 베데스다의 월터 리드 군안 의료원에서 치료를 받고 있다.
The president reported testing positive for the novel coronavirus in the early hours of Friday morning, saying he\and First Lady Melania Trump had contracted the disease.

President Donald Trump is "doing very well"\and is on track to making a full recovery, presidential physician Dr. Sean Conley has announced.

"Just 72 hours into the diagnosis now, the first week of Covid,\and in particular days 7-10 are the most critical in determining the likely course of this illness. At this time the team\and I are extremely happy with the progress the president has made," Conley said, speaking to reporters in Bethesda, Maryland on Saturday.

According to the doctor, Trump experienced fever, a "mild cough, some nasal congestion\and fatigue" on Thursday, "all of which are now resolving\and improving."

Dr. Sean Dooley, another physician monitoring the president's health, said Trump's cardiac, liver\and kidney function were all "normal,"\and that he was not receiving oxygen,\and has shown no problems breathing\or walking around the White House Medical Unit.

"He's in exceptionally good spirits,\and in fact as we were completing our multidisciplinary rounds this morning, the quote he left us with was 'I feel like I could walk out of here today',\and that was a very encouraging commentrom the president," Dooley added.


Doctors say Trump received a "special antibody therapy" 48 hours ago,\and received a dose of Remdesivir on Friday, with a five-day treatment planned.


Trump has been encouraged to eat, drink,\and to be working.

Dr. Conley said Trump has already been given "plenty of work"rom the US Chief of Staff,\and "he's doing it." The doctor did not specify what this "work" was.

Conley declined to provide reporters with an estimated date when Trump might be discharged.

He also declined to comment on when the president may have become infected,\or by whom.

Conley said First Lady Melania Trump was "doing great,"\and "has no indication for hospitalization\or advanced therapy,"\and was "convalescing at home."

Trump tweeted about his condition later Saturday, praising the "AMAZING!!!" doctors, nurses\and staff helping him to fight the coronavirus "PLAGUE."

'Very Concerning'


The presidential medical team's comments were challenged by an anonymous source said to be 'familiar with the situation' who spoke to Reuters on Saturday,\and who said that some of the president's vital signs over the past 24 hours have been 'very concerning'.


The source suggested that the president was not yet on a clear path to recovery,\and said that the next 48 hours would be 'critical' to his care.

Separately, ABC News has reported, citing 'sources close to' the president, that Trump had been given oxygen at the White House on Friday before his hospitalization at Walter Reed.

Trump was taken to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda on Friday night "as a precautionary measure" after he announced that he\and his wife had contracted Covid shortly after midnight on Friday morning.

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